The War Within Our Walls

Nose- an object made of mostly cartledge located on the face below the eyes and above the mouth most commonly used for breathing; but also known as a tool. A tool for prying and excavating information belonging to others that do not involve the owner of said nose.

Majority of the population has some form of a nose on their face, ranging in all different shapes, sizes and colors created for inhaling and exhaling to keep the body alive. So why do so many people misuse such a thing? Why must you create a figurative tool for digging into others’ lives, why must you feel so compelled to dig into others’ lives with you have your own immense amount of issues to tend to.

Nothing is more repulsive than a person who cannot keep to their own, a person who always seems to have their face buried in someone else’s life. What compels such nature in the mind to be so nosey? Is it the lack of luster in their own lives or just boredom or maybe the need for the first row seat to a potential disaster?

You stand tall and say you are perfect, you have no fault; you are so perfect you must search out the blemishes in others’ lives simply to fill that profound craving for entertainment but what happens when entertainment becomes a fixation? Then you get control freaks, people who intentionally seek out others’ lives to control them into making their lives as perceived to be the best from an outsiders point of view.  When this action fails they will go to any measure, usually in a sneaky manner, to attempt to ruin ones live in order to have a new project to add to their project box. Why must people feel justified in their actions to “make someone else’s life better” from their own perspective when these people are not wrong, they are simply living life the way that they want to without concern for others opinions.

Oh but what about the people who intentionally try to make all the choices for you but have the most ridiculously failing track record to account for their own life choices. I don’t think I will ever understand this concept, mostly because I do not care where it all stems from. Nothing is more hateful then sitting on the side lines waiting and watching someone you claim to “love” fail miserably so you can run in and be their redeemer. Being their savior does not make you a hero, when you are the reason for the major failure to begin with, it only makes you a manipulative danger to all who are near.

Maybe we should really start to think before we act, maybe we should learn to mind our own fucking business for a change, your life is just as sticky as the next so tend to your own, and it will keep you busy enough to not have time to pull puppet strings for others.

Moral of the story, mind your own fucking business. Mind your own things, your own property, your own mind, your own opinions, because in the end writing people off is under my column of skills.

The one to point out the few weeds in someone else’s garden is usually the owner of a garden filled of weeds.

About sdc2007

I have always loved to write, not everything is fiction, its always easier to just start from the beginning, things have not always been as they seem, with lots of time, energy and awareness I have made drastic changes to my life. I may be young but I have been threw a few things and I am always willing to help others. I started this blog after months of deliberation in my own mind, as a step to make myself more vulnerable which is a battle I constantly struggle with. Questions comments and love are always welcome but please hold off on the negativity, I have more than enough of that for myself, thanks though. Thanks for ready, I hope you enjoy and always look for new stuff! Much love and God bless
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